
The sunshine state with endless possibility, better known as Florida! With a state full of growth and great weather, Florida is a great place to begin a new career! There is never a better time to start selling real estate in Florida than now. With many people fleeing states like New York and California and heading south to places like Miami, the real estate market has been BOOMING with no end in sight!

What Ryan tells everyone before they decide to embark into the real estate career is that you need to make sure that this is something that you are truly interested in and will commit time and effort into since, for some agents, they won’t see their first commission check until their first 6 months of hard work. You can achieve doing this by working under an agent who is already doing exactly what you want to do. However, you’ll need to give some sort of value back in return for this person taking time out to help you. This can be anything from helping with social media to cold calling data bases. 

When you have decided that this is the career that you can find yourself in, it is time to begin your real estate course. There are many places that you can take your real estate course at, some of those being Moseley Real Estate School, Gold Coast Schools, and Real Estate Express. It is always advised to take the course in person because you tend to learn a lot more when you’re surrounded by people who are asking questions and engaged.

Once you’ve completed your real estate licensing course, you’ll then submit your application to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (otherwise known as DBPR). This process can take anywhere from 30-45 days, but once fully completed, you’ll then be prompted to take your real estate exam.

It’s the big day.. your test day. Your application is now waiting for you to complete your test. DBPR should have emailed you information to take your test. You can choose to take it online or in-person. Make sure to constantly review your notes from your course up until this point to fully prepare yourself.

After you’ve taken and passed your test, it is now time to pat yourself on the back and get to work! Your first step needs to be to join a local association to get access to essential items like the MLS and Supra Lockbox, and you have all of that, it is time to start selling the Florida lifestyle!


Get a head start with your real estate career...

Real Estate Licensing Course

Looking to get your real estate license but don’t know where to start? This course is designed to provide you with all of the information and support you’ll need to not only succeed, but excel in your real estate career.

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