
The hardest part about becoming a real estate advisor is the challenge of entering a new market with no connections. However, once you start following the listed steps, your business will begin to explode! Starting with the following.

Firstly, it is important to let your sphere of influence know that you have begun a career in this market. You can achieve doing this by posting all over your social media outlets and communicating face to face with friends and family. However, once isn’t enough, you want to post at least 3 times a day. The message never sticks with just one outreach, it takes multiple for someone to remember something.

Secondly, you need to get out more! For those of you who are going out on a regular basis.. great! For the other portion of you who like to stay in and stare into a screen, something needs to change. Going out is one of the easiest ways to meet new people and network. A simple “Hey, my name is ___, I sell real estate in ___.” does just the trick. 

Thirdly, facts tell, stories tell. You could be great at what you do, but if you have nothing to tell people when you first meet them, you might as well take your beer to go. Even if you slightly pinch the truth, create a story that people can connect to or one that may spark a conversation, for example “I had a previous client from North Dakota who was looking for a high rise condo in Miami. Just when we thought we found the one, it turns out that there was Ramen in the toilet! So we backed out with only 1 day for my client to find somewhere new and came across a high rise condo overlooking the ocean!”. Most of that was true.. except the North Dakota part. But once you find a story that can grab someones attention and make you seem credible, you’re golden.

Fourthly, spend time researching your area and spending time in it. This can relate to the second point, but this point deals with your knowledge of the area you service. Nobody wants to work with someone who doesn’t know a thing about the product they sell. You wouldn’t want someone selling you life insurance who’s a former truck driver, you’d rather work with someone who’s knowledgable about the service. A quick search of upcoming areas people are moving to, a morning search on the MLS to see new listings, etc.

Lastly, meet people who are doing what you’re doing! As a realtor, it is important to make your presence known. Some ways of achieving this are attending open houses and talking with the agent hosting, taking agents in your office out to coffee, or even messaging someone on Instagram. If no one knows who you are, it can actually hurt your reputation because there is no creditability. You’d rather work with someone who you know ,like, and trust.

Doing all of these and more can truly help your business take off. In a business where there are more agents than available homes on the market, it is important to set yourself aside from your competition.

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